Friday, August 20, 2010

Jun Hab Sa'in Belize...One Year in Belize

Saying goodbyes a year ago.
In the airport on the way to DC one year ago
Our whole group in Belize! 41 came...38 remain.

One year of Peace Corps service complete. It has gone by amazingly fast. We are lucky to have a group of 38 hilarious, great people to share these two years with. We have learned so much and we are both excited to see what this next year and change should bring. There are days where we still say, "Can you believe we're in the Peace Corps?" I know we'll never be quite the same again and I am grateful we've been given this opportunity to live and work in a jungle and build relationships/ partnerships that hopefully will last a lifetime. *while I was typing this a frog just fell from our thatch onto Greg in his hammock* So anyways, back in September of 09 all the trainees wrote their future selves a letter for one year and COS (close of service)... Greg's is hilarious:

Dear Greg,
How are you doing after one year in Belize? Are you working at Big Falls of Silver Creek? Or is it some completely different school. Hopefully you are happy because as of September 29th 2009 you are still having days that you miss home.

I picture you two living in a board house with a zinc roof with two hammocks. How is your hair coming? Did you get mad at it and chop it off? Hopefully it is in its curly/ frizzy glory.

I think by now you will have made a difference in the school your in and enjoying going there every morning' Do you have a good secondary project yet like a garden? Oooh Oooooh what color is your bike? You wanted a cream color one, did you get it?

Do you like caldo or are you vegetarian again? I lost track of what exactly I was supposed to talk to you about. Have you seen or talked to Dan? Who are the three people that actually came to visit? I am betting on Dan, Kaylyssa, and Runkle. Hopefully everyone came including Anthony, Wade, and Steve. Well I hope all is well. Tell Francisco and Alberta I said "Hello." Tawil aweb.

Yours truly,
Peace Corps Trainee Greg

P.S. Do you ever wish you could breath underwater?

My letter is quite dorky but I will share a To Do list I made for myself to have completed by 1 year:
-Worked in a hospital/clinic in some way: no
-Taught Ukulele lessons: no...but Greg has given several
-Gotten good at the Ukulele, be able to play 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow': no
-Gone to all the churches in the community: almost...still have to get out to the Nazarene
-Learned how to make corn tortillas: yes
-Own a traditional dress/outfit: Yes and double yes
-SPEAK KET'CHI WELL: trick question...sort of?

A Year By The Numbers:
Haircuts given by Kevina- 22 girls, 25 boys (1 month-4)
Injections given-3 (1 month-1)
Broken Thermometers- 2 (1 month-1)
Chickens Killed-1 (1 month-1)
Yoga- 3 times (1 month-1 time)
Slept in a Hammock Overnight- 9 times (1 month-1 time)
Fajinas (where the men chop the whole village)-3
Books Read- Greg: 13 Kevina: 31
Computers Fixed by Greg- 12
Weddings we've been to- 5 (one more tomorrow)
Visitors from states- 5 (the 6th...Greg's dad is coming next week!)
Days in America out of the last 365- 12 days
Blog posts- 61
Pairs of shoes ruined- Greg: 3 Kevina: 3
Friends Married back in the states- Matt & Brie, Serena & Jay
Cameras brought to Belizeans through us or our visitors- 4 (one more on the way)
Refilled gas tank- 2 times
Different Countries Visited- 2 Guatemala and the States
People from our group of 41 who left-3
Deaths in the village- 3
Births in the Village- 9
Trips to the Hospital- Greg: 0 Kevina: 2

*Greg just started choking and coughing I asked him what was wrong he sputtered out, "I....INHALED.....A.....BUG!"*

Here's to another crazy year...


  1. Kevina, I am Kristine Gingerich a friend of your principal, Geraldo Baltazar, from about 15 years ago when he was principal in Crique Sarco. I came upon your blog while I was searching for a way to contact him again. I enjoyed reading about your life in Silver Creek.
    I lived in Crique Sarco 4 years as a Mennonite Missionary. Sar was a bright spot in my life. I love my Ke'kchi friends, but our worlds were so different that it was lonely sometimes and Sar helped to fill that place for me. Did he ever publish a book of stories from his childhood?? He was writing them during those years. I'd love to see the book if he has published it.
    My name, by the way, is in the front of Broken Dreams...
    Please give him "my best Hello" as they say, and tell him to get on Facebook so we can connect again. ;)

  2. Kristine, it is good to hear from you. Mr. Baltazar did publish a book in 98 called 'Broken Dream' it is really good and I can get a copy if you want to email me your address:) I will tell him hello for you at school today. He is working on a second book more about Garifuna culture so we'll see when that's published. My email is
    Best wishes,

  3. Found the comment... BTW, I have a copy of Broken Dream. And, I agree, it is a good story. :) later,Kristine

    1. But i can't find information on the book or the author!

  4. Hi.. do u have information about the author of broken dream? How many books did he publish and in what year? Am trying to look for information about him for my assignment

  5. Hi do you by any chance know if there is a continuation of the book broken dream because it can't just end with him going to jail
