Monday, February 21, 2011

In Sickness and in Health

Greg with all the puppies following him to the shower.

In Health:
Greg's trip to Cayo. Greg went up with his best friend George and his family (wife and 7 kids) to Cayo. All in one truck. I stayed back to attend and show support for our host family for the one year anniversary outdoor mass of their son Estevan's death. Erica came out to keep me company and see the village for the first time and was shocked at how we constantly had an audience of 3-7 kids even when we were just writing letters. We went on a walk through the village and visited some of my favorite families. We met Ms. Rosita on the road and she invited us to come look at her garden. We went home with 4 huge green tomatoes and fried them up for everyone to try (sending some back with her daughter). The tomatoes were a huge hit, they do a similar thing with bananas so it wasn't too far a stretch. As soon as they came out keith, erica, or I were gobbling them up. She left before the mass which was really nice. I didn't feel out of place, I knew the ketchi songs and my lady friends all sat beside me. It was a full mass, outdoors, with candles and naked bulbs suspended from the USAID tarp providing shelter for our benches. We kneeled in the grass and prayed that Estevan's soul would be at rest. Afterwards we all ate caldo and drank cacao. Around a hundred or so people came to show their support. At least someone from every family in the village...people lined the surrounding buildings and road to sing and cry. Death may happen a lot here but it is not insignificant or forgotten easily.
The back of the truck
Meanwhile Greg left early for Cayo and had to bundle up in the back of the truck due to the rain and wind. He stayed at Cicily's brother's house and they all got along great! He said the food was wonderful with the women constantly cooking something. The highlight was a day trip into Guatemala. George and his wife both speak great spanish so Greg had fun keeping up. He even showed them up at a restaurant where no one could remember the name for toothpick in spanish. Greg whipped out his phone and slyly googled it and much to their surprise was able to provide the answer: palillo de dientes. Afterwards everyone did a little shopping, which was the point of the trip (buying supplies and a dress for his eldest daughter's quincinera). Greg bought a pair of fashion jeans, two pairs of socks, and 2 nice boxers (that will last longer than four scrubbings on a rock) for 40 BZE!!! Just the pants would have been 50 BZE here. He also bought a fan. We haven't had one for 6 months but it is about to get hot again so better to prepare. Two very different weekends but two very fun times!
Greg wants to get our portraits done by this artist.
Spanish ladies know how to cook!
Steve in the sweater Kristen sent! Thanks Kristen it fits great!

In Sickness:
This month Greg got sick for the first time EVER during his PC service. For 6 days he had fevers and chills at night, feeling relatively fine during the day. We were sent to the local polyclinic for malaria testing and blood work. When he went back to check on the blood results the nurse frightenly said he needed to immediately go to the emergency room for observation and would only say his 'platelets were low'. After speaking to a doctor in the ER he determined that it either wasn't his blood or someone had messed up the test, platelets that low would have someone bleeding from their eyes, mouth, and nose...AKA dying! So the Peace Corps nurse crossed off that hospital/clinic as a place to get blood work done and went ahead with treatment for malaria (results not in yet). We are getting his dengue test now to be sure. Greg thinks it is probably just a virus, there was one going around the village that presents like a slightly weaker version of malaria with not as high fevers and only lasts a week (instead of 15+ days). He is feeling all better now, thank goodness.
I had missed some school checking on him, making sure he was eating and resting and didn't think anything of a little 'fresh cold' that was developing. I celebrated my birthday the day Greg got better (best present I could ask for). I had a wonderful birthday, no more attempts at throwing a Belizean party because I had no time to prepare. However the staff surprised me with a most wonderful day. They had an assembly and the whole school sang happy birthday. Then I was given cards and little gifts throughout the morning. AND for lunch they threw a surprise feast! Rice and beans with stewed chicken and coleslaw WITH two fat tamales each! Top that off with coke, cake and another birthday song by just my teachers (ended with, 'for she's a jolly good fellow') and there you have it. Only to go downhill from there...
My cold got worse, I couldn't hear when I helped with our booksale (we made 75 dollars on a rainy day!) and then Friday night the pain came. My ear was throbbing waking me up and forcing me to the hammock for the remainder of the night. Peace Corps wanted to fly me up to see an ENT doctor but the altitude would hurt too much...I had to wait to take the express the following day. That night my ear reached a new pinical of pain and then (I later found out) I met some relief as my ear drum ruptured. Spare the gorry details but it was kind of nasty. However I got to see the specialist, the hole is small and I should have my hearing back in a week! Insult to injury, I was already feeling old what with the birthday and now I've lost my hearing to boot! But hey it is all on the upswing now:)

Some of my cards.
Birthday feast!
The boy puppy.


  1. I cried when I read about the Coe family's mass for Estevan's death. It really hit home as I'll always remember Mrs Coe telling us that she cries everynight. I'm so glad you were there to show your support.
    Greg's trip to Guatemala sounds way awesome and it sounds like his Spanish will always be with him.

    I'm so sorry about your ear and I have you and Greg in my 'people to get healthy' prayers.

    Your 27th Birthday will always be a fond memory for you, Kevina. The village will surely miss you just as much as you will miss each one of those lovely people.

    I can't believe Stephan is walking! He's such a darling!

    All my love! xo

  2. So many things happening in Silver Creek. Sorry to hear about your ear! That's no fun!

    It's hard to believe that's it's already been a year since Estevan's death.

    I love the pictures of the puppies! They are getting so big! And what a great birthday celebration. I can just picture all of the teachers singing to you! The teachers at Silver Creek really care about you!
